If you are into collaboration, then the December 9th Network Conference staged by GigaOm is right up your alley. Pal Surj Patel, who I have known since his eTel days, has once again pulled together a killer line up of speakers and demonstrators, surrounding it all with witty interviewers and panel members. When you see companies like Cisco sending multiple speakers, you know this is a serious conference, and when there's others from the likes on LivePerson, CitrixOnline, Deloitte, Intuit, we're well past the garage and coffee shop crowd that's working in a networked manner, but not in the same place.
As someone who runs a distributed workforce based communications company, the knowledge and potential for learning at Network is massive, so if the speakers hit the mark, as they have at past GigaOm events this will be a can't miss event.