We've all become accustomed to getting our email anywhere we can find an Internet connection, but what about all that hard copy mail we receive?
Well thanks to Geared Travel I learned about "Earth Class Mail" a service that works a lot like PayTrust does for your bill.
Set up seems to be easy. You sign up, get your account and are provided a customer specific address that you start using as your meatspace address. (Ironically, this is exactly the kind of service I've always felt that UPS stores should set up, as well as Regus/HQ locations should offer.) The service center collects your mail, scans it down and then emails it to you. You also have access to each "envelope" that arrived and can archive or shred them as you see fit.
I currently have this done by my office, but if I was back to being a solo practitioner, services like Earth Class Mail and Paytrust would be very meaningful to me so I can continue to be working anywhere.
"Well thanks to Geared Travel I learned about "Earth Class Mail" a service that works a lot like PayTrust does for your bill.
" yes this services very help me, good articles
Posted by: vendy | May 28, 2009 at 01:58 AM