Pal Tom Keating tipped me off to the news that Electronista broke about the MSI Wind Netbook being sold soon at Best Buy.
Joanna Stern at Laptop Magazine has been a very big fan of the MSI Wind for sometime, so it's on my hit list of NetBooks to acquire. I'm already very pleased with the Acer Aspire One and the Asus line of EEE PCs, most of all with the Asus EEE PC 1000 HD, so in looking at the Wind, the specs seem to match up nicely, and at a much more favorable price point.
Joanna's comparative review of the two 10" mighty mites is worth reading as she goes through the pluses and minuses of each and then renders a final verdict.
Now, you might be asking why someone who is using a Mac Book Air as his primary road warrior and Global Nomad weapon of choice needs a NetBook.
Simple. Size and weight. When I'm out tooling around town I want to have something a big smaller and less obtrusive. What's more if someone spills coffee on a Netbook it's only a $500 loss versus over $2000. What's more, is they keep me well aware of Windows apps and how they work as well as giving me access on the go via a 3G wireless card. Since they have solid audio and video capabilities, they are ideal "communicators" for the on the go worker, who needs to keep in touch, or to make presentations from.
In a nutshell, the Netbooks are an ideal way to stay connected without a heavy price tag.