With so many people who like to text and drive out there, who are also Crackberry (Blackberry) addicts, this new beta application from JOTT may be something that just about changes the game for smart phone users.
Now remember, it's beta. First you install the Blackberry plug-in that lets you reply to messages using your voice. To use it, simply click like you normally do, but choose Reply with Jott, or Replay to All with Jott, follow the simple audio prompts, talk, review (if you want to) then send.
Jott transcribes it, and sends the message on to your intended recipient, with a copy back to the speaking party.
One use I see for this is when I'm getting off the airplane. Usually time is tight, so after firing up the Blackberry, I tend to scan the messages and type off quick replies. This lets me do the same thing, but I don't have to type any more.
While you won't be using this for long notes, you will want to use Jott for short, quick replies, one line instructions or quick questions when you're on the go.
My initial testing shows it works. Names and domain names should also always be spelled out.
What's more, you can also click through from a web browser and hear what was spoken.
This application is quickly heading to the status of "Working Anywhere Approved" but not until its out of Beta.