Megan Scott of the Associated Press caught up with me last week when she was working on a story about the resurgence of the in-flight sleeper seat. As someone who is on the road more and more, knowing the value of a good nights sleep on an overnight flight from the west coast to Europe is something that I've learned the hard way. She's done an incredible job of capturing what the experience is really like in the story which has moved earlier today and was picked up by CNBC.
While an international daytime flight doesn't have the same impact on my body (or my mind) when flying frm the east cost as the often required west coast red-eye, I've found that upgrading using Frequent Flier points on BA or Virgin Atlantic to fly in Upper Class makes the trip really worthwhile.
In the past year I've flown L'Avion to Paris and taken both Virgin Atlantic over twice, and used MaxJet as well to get to London. All offer a more restful way to travel, and the wallet isn't hit as hard as the body is when you fly coach. The key is to know your way around the airfares and not pay more than you have to.
Just like VoIP, the Internet is what makes all this possible. I find airfare and hotel deals all the time, and always travel in style, without breaking the bank.
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