When you look at what is happening in the UK you have to realize that the USA is really lagging in many ways. While we initially had the lead in broadband technology, too many political and internal corporate agendas, as well as VC's who think they know business, have caused many a good idea to get derailed.
Think back to DSL in the 90s when about three installs a day came out of each Central Office here in California due to the paperwork that was involved with PacTel. Now think about how the same approach exists in Mobile with the looming IMS approach. Take a look at how hard it is to launch a new application or service on Verizon Wireless if you are a developer, and realize that the AOL Walled Garden of Old, was actually more of a playground than we ever imagined, if you spoke RainMan.
AOL has come to their senses with their 2.0 approach, ten years too late. When the carriers and the telcos wake up, and they will, we may really have something..
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