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June 25, 2006


Raj Dutt

Actually the reason it isn't 'about $1000' is because of the compliance and regulatory issues related to the aviation issue and the FAA.

Guess how much it is to add a CD player to a twin engine private plane? $200? $500? More like $7500.


US aircarriers aren't all thinking this is a bad idea. SkyBlue is still planning on putting wifi in their jets


US aircarriers aren't all thinking this is a bad idea. SkyBlue is still planning on putting wifi in their jets

Walter Mellon

Yeah, it's so cool your tongue sticks to it. And it does indeed work well. But this is dying/dead because the financially-crapped-out US carriers don't see this as a must-have feature, and as such it is stuck in the 'Frills' bin. They've cut meals, magazines, leg space, etc... I think it's great, your readers probably agree, but that's about it. Just another Airfone (also dying).

Paul Dubinsky

I love this service but I think that the future is clouded because of the flimsy revenues that the service has generated. I've had trouble using it on some coach flights across the pond because the seat pitch in coach is so tight now that I have trouble using my Sony Vaio if the person in front of me decides to recline. This isn't a problem in business or first class but there probably aren't enough of potential users up front to support the system without a greater percentage of back seat users.

Yuva Mani

Well as to why it costs so much money. You have to remember that it is not just the accesspoint. You need to have a backend connectivity which may be expensive and also you need shielding from *harmful* radiowaves which will cause the plane to drop from the sky or so the airplane people think.

Kevin Burton

Two issues. It looks like Connexion isn't making any money and the losses don't add up. It isn't that they don't "get it" it's that they're loosing WAY too much money.


New jets don't just roll off the assembly line all the time and go into service. Most of the jets in service today have been around for a LONG time. If you want in-flight service they will need to be retrofitted.

That costs money. I think we need to figure out WHY it costs so much money though because adding a wifi Access Point seems like it should cost < $1000 per jet.

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