Ya gotta love longtime pal Om Malik. He has a way of just being the "editor" who kicks one in the posterior at just the right time. Today he posted about Blogging, and it reminded me how much I've missed it. Sure I've been doing some Medium and LinkedIn writing now and then, but to be honest, the last few years for me have been diffused and focused on the client work. Now it's time to resume -when there's something to say.
Over time, I've created
EV Watch for Electric Vehicle News
WineSiders for my wine reviews
WineScene that was to be my wine blog like VoIPWatch was for telecom.
Working Anywhere for Remote Work (long before it was in vogue)
And in doing so, I lost the focus that Om has helped rekindle. So, now, it's time to Blog again.
Thanks, Om. Thanks.