While no one would accuse Telenor of possessing a legacy carrier mentality, as they did birth Appear.In and other VoIP based properties, they like so many of their fellow telephone companies have done for years, they're outsourcing VoIP and packaging it up, as a white label play. They've gone with San Diego VoIP innovator, VoxOx.
Much like Vonage buying Nexmo a few years back, and now TokBox, these types of moves are done usually with the decision to buy vs. build. The buying can be an acquisition or it can be reselling under either the original brand, or in this case, rebranding VoxOx's service offering.
This is also interesting as the Asian market is very wired, but it has been largely a mobile play. One of the biggest challenges I hear is the lack of conference calling solutions that are "localized." I expect that with VoxOx making this move, that other players where they offer CaaS solutions will be looking east...way east to bring more cloud to the cloudless communications market.