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March 04, 2011


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It's no surprise this happened, but for some, it's unfortunate. Gizmo5 was a peer of ours and helped to push the pace of SIP adoption. Google seems to have other plans or at least a different perspective on timing. OnSIP has focussed on SIP adoption for years. While it's target audience is the business community, with PBX replacement apps, the core is a free SIP voice & video service along with free XMPP Instant Messaging. We welcome folks to get free SIP addresses which can be used to register devices and receive inbound SIP calls.


I would like to see Google Voice implement iNum +883 call routing as an alternative to the removal of Gizmo5 as a viable GVoice call forwarding medium.

iNum call routing makes good sense, as most reputable VoIP carriers are now supporting iNum +883 and iNum SIP URI routing (most for free). If GVoice replaced the Gizmo5 call forwarding drop-down option with iNum routing, I could still receive my GVoice calls on my ATA's and IP-Phones like I did with Gizmo5.

Routing calls via iNum costs Google nothing, or at least next to nothing. The Voxbone iNum Initiative currently gives away iNums for free to participating carriers and routes iNum calls over their network for free. This would be very easy for Google Voice and Google Chat to implement.

If Google only gives us the option to forward GVoice calls to PSTN and Mobile numbers, we gain very little in the way of reducing overall costs as consumers.

Jeff - cqvoip.net


I contacted Skype to see if they would consider implementing a feature to allow us to transfer our existing Gizmo5 numbers in addition to their Skype One service, to avoid loosing our online phone numbers. I received the reply,

"In connection to this, we appreciate your feedback and will definitely look into it.

However, implementing changes and creating new features can take time, which means that the suggestions you make today might not be available in the near future.

Please be patient while we work to make Skype even better."

Perhaps we need to let them know how many people are now stuck.


Terrible Google destroys a a good service like Gizmo5, I have on my Nokia since many years, also on my Siemens VoIp Base, in my house in France, I make Voip calls all the time, members of my family to and friends . You could forward Skype, Google Phone etc.WiFi in Hotels etc In my House in FL.
Google Voice is a very simple service that has different features than Gizmo5, why did not sell instead of destroying!
For travelers Gizmo has been an excellent service. They should fire who ever made that decision.



As a UK resident my email said,

"Unfortunately, we are not able to transfer your Gizmo5 call-in number to Google Voice. If you’d like to keep your Gizmo5 call-in number, we recommend that you check with your local carrier to determine what options are available to you."

What are UK users to do?? Google have dumped and abandoned us.


For a long time now, I've used GrandCentral and then Google Voice to forward my GVoice calls to my Gizmo5 accounts, which in turn forwarded to my VoIP provider URI where I could pick up my calls on my ATA or IP-Phone. I guess the day to say GoodBy Gizmo5 is finally here.

This doesn't leave any viable options for receiving my GV calls on SIP devices (for free) any more. I always knew that free would never last forever... (we all get lured into the "free" marketing trap...) And, come the end of 2011, even GV calls will no longer be free (now that they have built up a viable user base built upon the free service premise...)

So, now I suppose Google Talk will be the next to die like Gizmo5?

I think I'm seeing the signs of a GTalk slow death already. For example, GTalk (and Gizmo5) used to route calls to iNum's. Now that Gizmo5 is virtually dead, no more free iNum calls thrugh that route. While GTalk used to reliably route calls to iNum SIP URI's, I'm now seeing the green lights on my iNum contacts dimming and going grey (not available). And, my GTalk is not allowing any more new iNum contacts - they just stay in "Invited" mode at infinitum. Unfortunately, Google Voice and Google Chat do not route iNum calls like GTalk does (or should I say did).

I think my enthusiasm for G-Telephony is starting to dwindle...

Jeff - cqvoip.net

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