The news about hot zones in NY and SF, as well as elsewhere was great news for the app developers. But, in the words of the late Clara Peller, "where's the beef?" By the "beef" I am saying, where's the calling?
Well, that would be SIP based VoIP using Bria for the iPhone or Android, Truphone, Viber, Nimbuzz, Skype, or FaceTime, all of which work just perfectly over Wi-Fi. The funny thing is that in all the stories and blog posts no one mentioned the fact that not only does data coverage suck eggs in those locations, voice is just as bad. I guess AT&T didn't address that point yet as the Femto cells don't work with any phone, only those programmed for them. And, these Wi-Fi hotspots aren't pico cells. They're just plain old 802.11 Wi-Fi and that means VoIP or Skype.