Client Boingo has a better idea. Instead of charging only on a monthly basis, they have begun offering hourly service to iPad, iPhone and iPod touch users who need to jump on and jump off when they're on the go.
GigaOm, JKOntheRun, both penned different stories on the news, as did the mobile news industry bible Wireless Week, while others like the new all things iPad, PadGadget, MacObserver, SoCal Tech and more.
What's the deal that makes this news? Well beyond the hoopla of the iPad, it's the short term purchase of "airtime" at places like airports that comes in handy. Not everyone needs to be a monthly, recurring subscriber for a hotspot service like Boingo. And, pay as you go in mobile is the rage in most countries, except the USA. This means that for less than $2.00 someone can surf on a trip and not have to cancel a credit card billing account. Also, since the payments go through the Apple App store, mom and dad can send their kids away with an iPad or iPod touch, add the already existing Truphone or Skype app to it, and they can find hotspots as they need to all around the world. Can you say, goodbye to the hassles, not to mention cost, of international roaming.
Way to go, Boingo!!
Hmmm - iPad + Boingo + Truphone
I would sign up for that combo!
Posted by: Jamesbody | March 31, 2010 at 03:32 PM