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January 26, 2010


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Stuart, you are correct. We are all looking for the universal chat-phone application.

Having a chat client that does jabber and SIP is getting there.

As for iPhone-ATT-gVoice, a little thing called sipsorcery.com and an iPhone with a SIP client can do that pretty well. "That" being free incoming and outgoing domestic long distance call to PSTN.

It can do it "Very well " with a Jail-Broken phone, over the 3G network.

What is the end-result of these application restrictions? Long blog posts about how to cheat the "evil ones". Ironically Mr. Jobs, the "evil" in this case are Apple and ATT, not Google.

Funny thing; people quietly innovate around corporate barriers to communication.


One little thing.... Apple has a notification server... and that "signaling" system is every bit as effective as any numbers that Google may want to give out. While I love some of the convenience that GoogleVoice provides Apple has the opportunity in time to really change the way calls are set up. In a world that increasingly text's first I think that's important. Just like on the desktop the DND mode on the iPhone will be welcome even if not broadcast.

Still in the meantime... what Apple needs is iChat at Skype quality standards... that interconnects with everything and runs in the background.

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