Sorry, Verizon, your Wireless subsidiary is making a lot of the right moves, but Verizon, with this absolutely insulting statement that DSL Reports highlights regarding what is broadband speed is an affront to everyone with a real brain.
But I'm not sure what's more insulting, that statement from them, or the fact that their PR person follows you and adds you to his Twitter, and when one says "thanks. Let's catch up" you don't even receive a reply.
Then again, if you take the two concepts together it pretty much tells the world what they need to know about how Verizon wants to communicate.
They want to talk. Not listen. Why else would they want to even suggest that speeds of 256K are close to appropriate for a baseline definition of upstream bandwidth.
As someone who has regularly experienced FTTP via SureWest and sees an upstream of between 20 and 45 megs with consistency, and who has better than the number suggested by Verizon on their Verizon Wireless MiFi, one can only figure that to Verizon's current leadership it's all about return on their legacy investments, not on their future growth.
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