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July 26, 2009


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Robbi Kearns

I stumbled across this article and am wondering if you might have any ideas about the settings for the Gizmo application for the Blackberry. THey released an "experimental" application but won't support it. On their board there are a lot of requests from people trying to find the correct settings, but no responses, and Tech Support responds to support requests saying "we don't support that application".

Any help you can give would be great.

Danny Chang

Android do have sip client accessing EDGE/3G/3.5G/3.75G network!
The only thing is you can NOT found them on Android market because the rules.
But you can still found them through internet.
Try Google "guava"(recommended,based on siphone) or "siphone"(traditional sip client) you can find APK installer pak!!

In Taiwan we have unlimited HSDPA plan for $14/month with such help I can have free call to US now!!

thank you for sharing this wonderful info~


@jinx81 et al. I had the same issue with calls not using the GV peer and prompting for callout credits. My solution was to create a new gizmo5 account. Works now with isip, nimbuzz, fring, siphon on iphone. Gizmo5 client and telephone (sip client) on mac. If I use the sip client to initiate call, 3 minutes free. If I use GV callback, sip calls seems to be free unlimited.


Andy, I am having the same problems as Stuart. Outbound calls work fine from the desktop application, but using another softphone fails. I use fring, but it sounds like iSip is also using CallOut instead of the Google Voice peer. Any thoughts?

I have a trouble ticket open with Gizmo and will update the thread when I receive any more info.

Andy Abramson

Here's how to use Gizmo5 with GoogleVoice:

To get started you will need:
- Gizmo5 account
- Google Voice account linked to Gizmo5 account

1) Register whatever calling device you wish to test to the Gizmo5 network.
Usually this is as easy as entering in the following to your hardware or

proxy or server: proxy01.sipphone.com
username: [Your Gizmo5 10 digit 747 number OR your Gizmo5 username]
password: [Your Gizmo5 password]

2) Make a test call to the echo line: *1-747-474-3246*
This will insure you are properly logged in and your hardware (speakers and
microphone) are working.

3) Go to my.gizmo5.com and look for the Google Voice section. Enter in your
Google Voice username and password and then click the SAVE button.

4) On whatever SIP device you are testing dial a US number beginning with 1
and then a 10 digit number. For example call the whitehouse comment line and
tell O what kind job you think he's doing: 12024566213 Call yourself and see
what callerID number is displayed.


Andy, I've done all the same tests. However I'm not getting it to work with iSip or with an ATA. Both work fine for inbound Gimzo5 and thus GoogleVoice calls. However outbound calls don't activate the "free" function like the Gizmo5 desktop client. I'm not sure what the secret sauce is. These solutions ask me to pay using Gizmo5 calling credits. When it arrives it will be revolutionary.

The operators more challenging future is going to arrive faster than they thought.


Check out the Gigaset IP DECT phones A580IP and S675IP on Amazon.com. These are a perfect match for this service. These have Gizmo5 in their configuration assistant so all a user has to do is enter their Gizmo5 username/password. Then, basically, they're up and running on Google Voice on telephone hardware!

Scott Smith

This sounds AWESOME! This would be great for those few AT&T dead spots I encounter in buildings.

But alas, I have configured Gizmo5 with my GV info, and it most definitely uses "Gizmo5 Call Out" for outbound calls.


You can do 3G calls on Android. 2 clients you should check out: GUAVA and also see: sipdroid. Please let me know how they work for you because the HSDP for $20/month seems like a fantastic bargain and 10GB is a lot of bandwidth.


Andy, this is HUGE and is definitely a game changer. Imagine if this continues to work and becomes public, what this will do to the major phone carriers. Basically, all anyone would need is a softphone on their computer or phone and maybe a new piece of hardware (SIP device) for their home, and thats it, unlimited local and long distance, and insanely cheap international rates. No more monthly fees or dealing with phone companies and their crazy fees and taxes, I LOVE IT!!!

I have a softphone on my iPhone, a fixed SIP Phone (Linksys) and also a Google Voice account, and cannot wait.

What do we have to do to be apart of the beta program with Gizmo5? There is nothing on their website about it and I want to be the first in line.

Thanks again!

Brandon-->Go to your Gizmo5 account. If you don't have one, get one. It's all in plain sight on the admin page of my.gizmo5.com

Markus Göbel

Where does OpenSky cost $5/year? They want to charge me $20. Can you please hint me to this special Andy offer? :)

Markus--> My error. $5.00 every three months.


I'd like to know, do SIP software on Android and iphone work over 3G data access? Or do they only work over WiFi?

What I want is full free SIP services over pre-paid-only DATA-only 3G service SIM cards on a $100 unsubsidized Android device.

With competition in the Android market, I believe we should soon see $150 and $100 Android devices that require no subscription. In Europe, we can have HSDPA for $20 per month with no contract, simply pre-paid each month and with only a 10GB bandwidth usage limit per month.

CHARBAX-->> There are some Android clients out there, but nothing is able to access the 3G radio that I know of yet.

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