Tom Keating pulled some good facts together about what could be a major issue effecting Skype, one that could be seriously damaging to eBay and the management team at the time of the Skype acquisition.
While Skype was busy celebrating their one million downloads for the Apple iPhone, the team at JoltID, also started by Nicklas Zennstrom, was busy making moves to wrestle alleged control of Skype's core IP technology, a fact never to my knowledge that was revealed at the time of purchase of Skype.
Basically the news surrounds just what Skype is allowed to do with the underlying P2P code that makes Skype do what it does and how Skype has done things recently with some filings.
This is serious because it fundamentally makes everyone who invested in eBay at the time of the purchase of Skype potential members of a greenmail law suite, or party to a class action suit, something the law firms which specialize in those kinds of cases love. Why? Simply because the information if known, would have been material to the decision to purchase eBay stock at the time (Transparency statement: I would be a party as I purchased eBay stock within days of their Skype acquisition.)
When one thinks about this on a variety of levels, one has to get a tad abstract and wonder if this is why Skype is moving to embrace SIP...? Hmmm...