On face the idea of a Skype client on the Apple iPhone sounds like a great deal for users. And it will be. From a convenience perspective you'll be able to call your Skype buddies from the iPhone. When you're on WiFi those calls, like all Skype to Skype calls will be free.
Now comes the big question which Om Malik is likely digging around for in light of his scoop today about a pending release that will likely be announced next Tuesday at the Skype press conference on the eve of CTIA.
The big question is, has Skype brokered a deal with AT&T that mirrors what they have done with mobile operator 3 in the UK and elsewhere. In those cases the calls that go Skype to Skype are free of mobile minute usage as are calls that use Skype Out.
Previously last month at the Mobile World Congress Skype was very bold in sharing the facts that Skype on mobile phones drives sales of data packages. That's not a big deal for AT&T in the USA or anywhere else when it comes to Apple's iPhone, as everyone needs a data plan to get any benefit out of using one.
The key here though is that when the app finally arrives, Skype joins client Truphone and Fring at being on the iPhone with the capability to talk and text chat with Skype users.
I say, "welcome to the club."