Rumors, rumors, rumors. The world runs on rumors. On one hand we read that Skype is looking for a new person to lead their developer efforts. On the other we get tips from friends in the Twittersphere that developers need to worry as Skype is launching (or has already launched) versions for many new platforms, including the Android, Blackberry and maybe, the iPhone.
So what DO I think they are doing?
1. Building stable clients to work on as many handsets as possible in mobile to make Skype users reachable. Skype wants the experience and the logins to be via their network, not others, so while they can't block the access from third parties, they can get into a feature and functionality war with the others who provide access. Think of it this way. There's Microsoft Word and word processing programs that can read and write Word format files.
2. Developing API's that make it easy for new services, like Skype Access to work with third parties ala Boingo.
3. Encouraging the use of Skype as the platform for 2.0 type applications and services like what the folks at Vapps did with HighDef Conferencing, what Web Dialogs (now IBM's Sametime), YUGMA and Convenos have done with web conferencing, what OnState is doing with the PBX, Pamela is doing with faxing, and more in Skype Extras.
Most of all, Skype is not sitting back. The are pushing the envelope, but at the same time sending mixed messages externally to partners and developers. But that too will change. Some recent hires have brought maturity to the table. The establishment of Luxembourg as the companies base, largely for tax reasons will also help. My prediction is that more of the work of Skype shifts there, away from Mountain View and that London becomes the Mobile hub for the company, as the UK is one of the hottest mobile markets around.
So is Skype Killing their developers off? Not likely. Refocusing what they want from the developers is more the direction I see them heading.