I love seeing reviews like this. Not simply because they're about a client, but because the client's team is being recognized by someone in a position to tell others. In this case, Cory Andrews who writes along with Garrett and Nicole at VoIPSupply (a company which has been very busy of late).
Cory singles out the always helpful Katie Brimble at Truphone for her personal touch that led to him successfully installing Truphone on his Apple iPhone.
Overall, I'm hearing nothing but similar comments from bloggers and even users about Truphone's installation and set up, which makes me wonder sometimes if anyone who is having reliability issues may be having them as a result of either their own network configuration, or due to the service provider. This type of one in a thousand is having a problem could be similar to what client Jonathan Hollander of PhoneFusion was experiencing with his Verizon FIOS access and things like DNS and SMTP having to be Verizon own, and not his company's own when working virtually.
As a road warrior, I live and die by customer service, support and standards based broadband. When the standards are followed, everything works...but when they're not followed, there are wonderful people like Katie to make it all work right.