MomatHome's Judi Sohn has become my hero.
Ironically she's been working on a threaded series of posts on her blog that help with the idea of "Do I move to Google Apps" at the same time I'm looking at making the switch from Exchange and Entourage due to the sheer volume of mail and the lack of really good "find" tools between Microsoft and Apple.
Without even starting to look for what will make life easier for the "I'm always connected" style of life I lead, Judi has post by post been making my life easier.
If I had her address, I'd send her a bottle of wine!
I don't drink anyway, Andy.
Seeing the title of this post in my reader first thing in the morning is more than enough. Thanks for making my day. ;-)
Glad I could help. I'm planning a follow up to my post about MailPlane for Web Worker Daily. I think it's that good.
Posted by: Judi Sohn | February 29, 2008 at 06:38 AM