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December 20, 2007


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Andrey Golub

Hey, great thought Andy- 'Do we really need more networks, or do we need to get more from the ones we already have?'

I think most of us do not need more new Networks- there is Facebook to poke the friend :)s, there is MySpace to content-poke another friends :), there is LinkedIn to stay up-to-dated about the lives of our business friends and connections. And there are some other useful Netowowks of course (I mostly user LinkedIn and Facebook).

But Spock is what? is it really a Social Network? not exactly!
I think it's mission is much more close to the META Network. Look- it's a Search Engine so it works with meta-data, plus it's a People Search Engine so this META- data is about People, so why that META-data couldn't be created or at least corrected by the same people (a Web 2.0 element, from where you conclude Spock is 'another social network')?
Of course if one doesn't go to the Spock web site to read it's a People SEARCH ENGINE, if has all reasons to say- "I have no time for another Social Network".
So probably Spock should explain better in the invitations generated, what's the mission of Spock, or at least what is Spock! :) I remember my earlier invitation- "Hi new Spocker", and I agree it looks like 'just another SN'. Now it's improved from what do I know. however

I think for Spock to have a SN element is a very good idea- this gives to everyone of us to take under control what the others will read about us when they search for smth (or us directly) and navigate to our Spock profile.

So I think your "or do we need to get more from the ones we already have?' it's exactly what the most of us need- still get the most from the networks we already take part of. but then- to see a common picture, what there was missing? I think exactly a META network, that puts together our "pages" (Web info about us), our SN (Web 2.0 info about us). + Spock could do it even better- they added the Spock community to the heart of their search motor...

I personally think it's the best combination to generate the most complete search results about People: take Web + add SN + ask for Community Contribution. And so yes, that last part of Spock, the 'community contribution', works like a SN- it's needed to join in order to contribute.

I think it's amazing idea, guys :)

See you on Spock?
Andrey Golub- a Spock Evangelist and Blogger


Andy I think you are the last person to be anti social, but I do understand the position.

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