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October 14, 2007


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I did not see Steve Adubato's column on this topic... but I think you don't have the full story... think of the telepresence systems much like the corporate offices, high quality locations that are an important piece to the business puzzle. They exist and will always exist. What you may no be aware of, is that employees, customers, partners and the gammit can use low end video systems, or other high-end ones to connect into the central office. In the long run, it will make perfect sense for the road warriors... and today's remote style of workforce. There is still a need to communicate, and the telepresence system is the "central command post" in a sense. Where anyone can call into or call out from to reach anyone else via video, essentially reducing the need to travel, but still maintain a professional quality with lots of options.

Albert Kim

Thanks for the good information.
I'm also developing one of similar services myself.

I’d like you to check out our free, online video conferencing service called PalBee.com. At PalBee.com, we offer registered users the ability to talk with their colleagues, friends, and acquaintances in a presentation-focused interface that combines the most important features of communication. Visitors of our web site can also use it to record online presentations, which can be viewed at a later time by anyone with an Internet connection and a flash-enabled web browser. If people would like to add this ability to their own web sites, we offer a Mashup API that registered beta testers can add to their own sites in order to offer free online video conferencing to their own places on the web.


Best Regards,



Happy new year.It would be good if live Video Conference reduce travel and stimulate the concept of collaboration.

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