Its only fitting that in the land of wireless phones and mobile technology, San Diego, the folks at Truphone came to play. And play they did at DEMO showing of a range of new devices that their mobile VoIP technology will be working on in the future, for that is the essence of DEMO. The big news though has to be the deployment of VoIP on the Apple iPhone, an industry first, as Truphone has figured out how to load in the necessary SIP stack. Oliver Starr at BlogNation has the details.
At their stand at DEMO Truphone showed versions also working on the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet, the new HP Smartphone running Windows 6.0 and another Windows Mobile device that goes by various names like the DASH.
Needless to say, the iPhone version is likely to cause quite a stir.......Since it DOES NOT Involve any SIM unlocking, it is clearly in the spirit of how Apple as a company started, back when they encouraged developers to take their robust DOS called Apple DOS and develop for it.....
Video to follow...
Om Malik weighed in this morning with his perspective. So too has Download Squad, MacWorld's Jonny Evans and Wired's Bryan Gardiner along with Markus Goebel, Tom Keating, Bruce Stewart, Russell Shaw, VoIP Monitor, Mashable,,, iPhone Alley, iPhone News Blog, VoIPUser, Luca, A Penguin in The Orchard, Alec Saunders, Tech Nuts, SMS Text News, iphone Best Blog out of the UK,, Rob Evans, Garrett Smith on VoIP, PowerBlog, Atmaspheric Endeavors, Into Mobile, TechDigest, Unstrung, InformationWeek, Mac Daily News,, GadgeTell and many others including ilounge, iPhone Hacks, Engadget and even the mighty CrunchGear!!!