For those of you in the mobile industry at any kind of senior level, you will know the name of my good friend and local San Diego telecom marketing guru, Jeff Belk.
For many years Jeff has been a fixture at Qualcomm, and while he's still there, he's actually on the move with his family for the next four to six months taking a sojourn around the globe seeing friends in the industry and also taking time to "smell the roses" as he visit some great sites.
Recently at dinner and then again at CTIA Jeff and I had a chance to talk about how he would chronicle all this, and I gave him some advice about TypePad, VOX and using mobile blogging tools like LifeBlog.
While I'm not sure if he's using Lifeblog, he's obviously taken my advice and is now blogging, providing friends and family with all kinds of updates in a very easy way.
So if you know Jeff, like I know Jeff you'll want to read his musings and check out his photos.
By the time he's done with this trip Jeff will likely have many stories to share.