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January 29, 2007


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So, how will you finance your mentioned free click-to-call application (http://click2voice.com/)? Maybe by advertising like http://www.peterzahlt.de/ in Germany?

How will you pay the 2 termination fees that you have to cover for your callback service? Where is the difference to the free version Jajah (that is also financed by advertising) and other callback services that exist in the web?

And why can I put in only 10 digit numbers? Who has such a short number?

I am always very exited about new services. :)

free conference call


I think SIP may be taking a big risk in making such an easy, free VOIP solution available and trying to fund that off the back of in-context advertising. How many in-context opportunities will there be really when most of us are calling friends and family? See:

The Team

It sounds like a winner!

Particularly if their backbone is Level3, calls can be taken at any browser, and $0.02 per minute for Call Out.. a road warrior's dream.

Bill Burke

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