Usually when a company get's it's pricing nailed down, trading will begin in a very short time. Being that Vonage announced their IPO per share price range today, I would expect to see the stock on the market soon, if conventional IPO tactics are followed.
Vonage can be again the catalyst for the VoIP industry, but if their stock doesn't come out racing northward and takes a swan dive, don't be detered as it may be more of the market's lack of confidence in management and the fact that the cable MSO's are signing VoIP customers faster than ever with Time Warner and Comcast, both Level3 users, seeing rapid ramping.
Speaking of Level3, rumor has it that the number of high level executive meetings with outside parties has been at a fever pitch the last few weeks, with lots of "get to know what's really happening" types of meetings and more orders being placed.
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