While they don't connect to any VoIP network via WiFi (yet) I'm predicting Helio, which just came out of the closet will do just that.
Targeting the 20 somethings and college age mobile crowd, Helio offers tons of "keep in touch" like features that blow away the offerings of the regular mobile carriers. One has to wonder why the Verizons, Cingulars, Sprints and T-Mobile's of the world never went this far. What's more Helio members can switch between mobile devises. When multiple devices are purchased, a member can select which device they want to carry and switch to that device by calling Helio to activate it on the network. In the future, members will be able to switch between devices over their PC. Now that is cool...
And...I don't think we're done yet as I keep hearing that other MVNO's like XERO Mobile have even bolder tricks up their sleeves.
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This is really cool Andy! And I thought Europe was ahead in terms of Telco services...
Posted by: paolog | May 02, 2006 at 11:51 AM