When I lecture to university students about how to get media coverage I often tell them that reporters don't find stories, stories find reporters, that is unless you're trained like I was, as an investigative reporter with sources. But sometimes the story just falls into, um, my lap...top.... that is.
Today at VON I was presented yet another document of possibly equal note and explosiveness as the Skype/eBay earn-out agreement that found it's way into my car one fall night last year. Then again there was the Streamcast suit vs. Skype that also wandered my way so maybe it's time my former Journalism teacher, Rod Nordland, learned that one of his former students really did listen and learn.
Only this time, the document, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) involves FON (FONAV) and Linksys (LS) was left in plain sight on a public computer terminal in the press room at VON here in Stockholm. Now maybe this was done in hopes of causing a stir, but I figure Linksys and conservative Cisco wouldn't go that route, so nonetheless the MOU leads one to believe that Fonav [FNV] and Linksys [LS] will at some point agree to work together to develop a 'Personal Communication Hub' Wifi handset. FNV will develop the application and MMI and LS will provide the handset, Linux and Voice / Video / audio Telephony components.
But now, maybe not.
If this happens, you read it here first, and I give it a better chance of happening than ever seeing a Mac focused and compatible product from Linksys.
Note to CEOs' of both companies. JumpDrives are cheap and there are some that employees can use that allows them to work remotely, and securely, without leaving the details for everyone, like me, to see. I think they can even be found on eBay.