Yesterday it was Michael Bazeley in the San Jose Mercury News who quoted me after an 11th hour on deadline chat he had with me. This morning Silicon Beat's Matt Marshall showed a lot of class, taking some time to find my post, blend in Bazeley's well written points and add his own spin to it.
Then there is this story on Most of it is my post of yesterday and almost it also reminded me of Om's opening line from his post yesterday too where he too referred to my viewpoint. I just wish someone from Silicon had called me, not just taken my carefully crafted views of yesterday when I had to bob and weave around the Yahoo requested embargo. With so much out there now, I have even more to comment about in the way of insight and ideas on what Yahoo's up to, and how it impacts Skype/eBay.
Consider today when hard working, heavy lifting on the mark, Mark Sullivan of Light Reading called to get some additional, previously undiscussed details about the Yahoo pending offering and why it had legs.
But the mother of all posts comes not from Silicon Valley, but from merry old England, as the Enckster himself weighs in with the line of the year that has me (and likely Om) beaming from end to end...