While the RBOC's talk about triple play coming here in the USA with "combined billing" as the main lure to consumers, it seems Asia is far and away ahead of the USA and Europe when it comes to IPTV and the Broadband Always home.
While VoIP is one part of the mix, the development of cross "media" services will be the big area of growth, meaning we will go beyond just getting one bill because one service provider delivers multiple services over one pipe.
What we have to begin seeing is how the portals begin to merge into the Triple Play scenario, and offer enhanced products that offer a seamless delivery package of things like online bill presentment, bill pay, appointment setting, content availability with the ability to move it to your mobile device for later action in real time when you connect again.
I continue to believe that wireless, all forms of it, including WiFI, mobile phone/cellular, WiMax, Flarion, CDMA, etc. are going to need to be part of what I have tabbed the "FourPlay" in order for the triple play to matter. Other wise, as in baseball it's batter up and everyone's out, when with wireless it's the GrandSlam for communications companies.