Skype's Help section can be a plethora of information. A loyal reader in the UK sent along a note about SkypeIN. While I have yet to verify that In is Out, certainly the details are emerging. Do a little noodling around Skype's help and see what I mean.
Here's what he passed on to me:
The prices for one SkypeIn number is 10 Euro for a 3 month subscription or 30 Euro for a 12 month subscription. If your billing address is in the EU, you will be charged 15% VAT when you purchase a SkypeIn number. Therefore total price with VAT is 11.15 Euro for 3 months or 34.50 Euro for 12 months. Skype Help
Country Availability and Numbers::
Initially, SkypeIn numbers are available in the US, UK, France, and Hong Kong. We plan on adding more numbers and locations at a later date. (Link) For now, you can get numbers in a selection of top US cities and states, 0870 numbers in France, 0207 numbers for the City of London in the UK and 819 numbers in Hong Kong. (Link)