Jeff has written a very interesting analysis on SBC's recent actions in his blog in one of his longest posts in some time.
My view remains that Om's very witty posting that Jeff refers to is closer in truth and while he wrote it rather tongue in cheek, it's likely dead on.
Given how SBC handled broadband DSL customers and what the RBOC allegedly did to the competition in that time how can we really trust them?
Pulver's point that not one VoIP player was involved in the process by SBC also is counter to conventional markting wisdom, that of research with your customers, not against them.
I remain in the camp that says the RBOCs have been slow to move into VoIP and are looking to squeeze out every last cent from their current infrastructure before they really open up in this area.
Tom Keating also has a perspective on this over at his blog on TMCNet.
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