Audio (and video) conferencing will get a huge shot in the arm with VoIP. Earlier in the week Raindance and Level3 made nice and annouced a VoIP based conferencing system. Now, it seems a UK company with expertise is jumping in.
Like most conferencing, this one uses an ASP model, and is marketed through the OEM reseller market.
As applications go, voice conferencing using VoIP is all about conversion. Companies like Gentner, a long time favorite in the space are ideally positioned to jump in with their Clear One "Lets Conference" services.
Why? They already have the customer relationship and trust. Their hardware is found in offices and boardrooms around the world, and basically, everything they make works. Like Microsoft, they may not always be first in any space, but they sure seem to get the business.
Another player in the space is Akamai. They've been supporting VoIP conferencing ever since the Intervu acquisition a few years back, which included the NetPodium technology which is incorporated into their streaming platform.
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